Blog & Case Studies

Ways To Increase Your Conversion Rate For Your Site

Written by Precision Creative | Mar 26, 2021 6:06:36 PM

You may not be familiar with the term conversion rate when it comes to the world of digital marketing. That's alright, not many people are. You may be surprised to hear, however, that conversion rate is an incredibly useful way to measure the success or failure of your site's advertising campaigns. But what exactly is conversion rate, and how do you optimize it to benefit your businesses' site? In this blog, we will dive headfirst into what conversion rate is and how you can manipulate it to benefit your business.

Understanding Conversion Rate

As its name suggests, conversion rate is simply the process of converting new users to your site. In other words, it is the rate at which you get new users to do what you want. This crucial rate depends entirely on what you want out of your business and site. It could be something as big as making a pricy purchase or something as small as signing up for a weekly newsletter. No matter what goal you have in mind for your site, the conversion rate will increase if you get users to fulfill that goal. Now that you understand what conversion rate is, you may be asking yourself how you can improve it. Here are a few main ways to increase your conversion rate for your site.

Add Testimonials And Reviews To Your Site

Nobody is going to buy into your business if they don't trust you. Trust is king when it comes to converting new users and getting their business. And what better way to gain this trust than to prove your worth to potential clients and customers? Testimonials and reviews from past clients are great ways to form trust with new users because it demonstrates that you are good at what you do and that you've done it before. You wouldn't want to be the first person to test out a roller coaster, would you? Of course not! So why would you want to be the first one to test out a new product or service? Testimonials and reviews erase this fear and help put your prospective users at ease when they tour your site.

Make A Killer Call To Action

In the past, we've talked about call to actions and how to make a strong one. We previously wrote a blog about CTA's to strengthen your knowledge on the subject. A call to action is simply a marketing tactic that is used to get a user to fulfill an effort. This could be subscribing to a monthly magazine or making a purchase. Whatever the call to action is, you need it to be precise and well-executed. When call to actions are fulfilled, they directly improve your site's conversion rate, thus creating two successful transactions for your site and your business. It's essential to not only keep your call to action simple and to the point but to make it stand out to the average user.

Growing With Precision

Don't let your site's traffic fall. Contact us today to learn how increase your conversion rate with a website that's is Powered by Precision!