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Website Pop-Ups: Worth It?

Written by Precision Creative | Mar 12, 2020 1:56:05 PM

Pop-up ads are a staple of the internet, but that doesn’t mean they’re well-loved. Before you implement this marketing method, make sure it’s the right statement for your brand.

What Counts as a Pop-Up?

A pop-up can be defined as any computer object that opens without a user prompt. Traditional pop-up ads use javascript to open program windows, but modern web designs may also include modal pop-up content within the structure of the site.

Pop-ups aren’t always advertisements. From newsletter sign-ups to chatbots to the cookie disclaimers that appear at the bottom of your screen, pop-up elements have become a standard feature of the modern commercial website.

When applied correctly, pop-ups can enhance the user experience and increase conversions on your site. But if they’re used irresponsibly, pop-ups can do a surprising amount of damage to your brand.

Why Pop-Ups Have a Bad Reputation

If you used a computer before pop-up blockers became popular in the 2000s, you might remember collecting pop-ups outside of your web browser. Some ads blocked your screen, while others loaded behind your browser, where you wouldn’t notice them until the resource drain completely tanked your processing speed.

Classic pop-ups took autonomy out of the browsing experience. The ads opened without warning, played unexpected noises, and refused to close. The user had no control over any of these aspects, resulting in a feeling of frustration that you never want your clients to have.

The legacy of bad pop-ups continues to haunt modern design. Today’s pop-ups are modal, which means they remain entirely within the browser’s frame and won’t take over your computer. Still, poorly executed pop-ups often disrupt the user experience and can go so far as to make the site completely inaccessible. Even the best pop-ups are seen as annoying and should only be implemented if they provide measurable value.

Do Pop-Ups Really Work?

Pop-ups get attention; this fact is undeniable. Whether that attention is good for your brand is a different question entirely.

Several modern studies have shown that pop-ups can increase your conversion rate. It’s hard to say “no” to a floating sign-up window, and a surprising number of users enter in their email address.

However, that increased conversion rate doesn’t necessarily mean an increased engagement rate. Many of those “converted” users will never open your email newsletter or interact with the rest of your campaign.

So although pop-ups could potentially be effective, the actual success of this strategy depends entirely on the implementation. A bad pop-up won’t just be ineffective; it could also permanently damage your audience relationship.

Designing a Great Pop-Up Ad

Although pop-ups can be a great way to interact with your audience, there’s one thing they should never do: disrupt the user experience. No amount of clever advertising will save your brand if your audience can’t actually access your site.

  • Have a purpose. Before you settle on using a pop-up, ask yourself if a floating window is the best way to present your content. Pop-ups are perfect for getting immediate user attention, but they’re a bad choice for elements that are integral to the site’s functionality.
  • Be accessible. Many users are frustrated when they can’t navigate back to a piece of information. Whether it’s a form or a disclaimer, the content in your pop-up should also be available in a static location on your site.
  • Offer an out. A pop-up is only acceptable if users can navigate away without any consequences. If they can’t, they’ll navigate away from your site instead.

One of the best examples of modern pop-up tactics is a screen that offers a coupon code to new visitors. A pop-up makes sense because it’s the visitor’s first time using the site, and getting a discount might change their shopping habits. To make sure they don’t regret closing the window, automatically add the discount at checkout; your new customer will leave feeling appreciated and engaged with your brand.

A Site That Really Pops

Getting the customer’s attention is only half the battle. The team at Precision Creative will showcase your products and services in the best possible light - reach out to get started.