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Making Your Site Mobile Friendly

Written by Precision Creative | Jan 15, 2021 2:30:00 PM

In today's day and age, most search and web traffic come from mobile or tablet devices. It's virtually impossible to step outside without seeing a vast sea of eyes glued to their iPhones or iPads. You can find people using their smartphones to scroll through the most recent social media post or the latest tabloid update. This is why it is so imperative that your website is mobile and user-friendly.

More than half of online users access the internet through their mobile devices. This makes it important for your business or organization to make sure your website is mobile-friendly. There is a multitude of reasons why a site may not be mobile and user-friendly. From an overabundance of text to faulty coding, there are a variety of things that could go wrong that would prevent mobile-friendly access. The good news is that having a quality web developer can make your site appear correctly on any device. Here are a few prominent ways that you can make your site mobile-friendly.

Checking Your Site's Analytics

Every website has hidden data and statistics that are known as your site's analytics. These numbers are used to track information that can be useful as your site begins to grow and develop. A variety of programs (some of them free) are available online to track and display these analytics in a simplistic and easy-to-read format. These audits provide customers with numerous metrics. One of these specific analytics measures the amount of traffic your website gets from mobile and tablet devices.

Through this data, you can see if you need to tailor your site to a specific audience or device. This allows you to fully understand what makes your site work and what doesn't. These analytics give you the necessary information you need in order to make your site more mobile and user-friendly. Analytics can also be helpful when finding out which demographic is most popular on your site and how many conversions your site gains each day.

Using Mobile SEO Practices

When it comes to website development, everyone knows that SEO is one of the most important elements. It's what makes your website stand above the rest or lay below them all. When you create a website, the end goal is to have the highest SEO ranking possible. This is especially true when it comes to mobile devices. Fortunately, there are steps you can take that will help you get the ranking you desire.

A prominent and efficient way to rise in mobile SEO ranks is making sure that your pages load quickly. You can ensure your site's loading time by minimizing any heavyweight such as an overabundance of ads, images, and even video content. This will result in a faster load time, thus a better user experience.

Benefits of Mobile-Friendly Websites

When it comes to having a website compatible with mobile devices, the reasons for doing so are numerous. To start, mobile users tend to buy more compared to people that use a desktop. In many cases, people are at the spot where they are looking to buy a product, such as a grocery or a department store. Having a site that is fast-loading can help with this as well. By limiting items on your site that could cause it to appear slowly, you improve the experience for customers.

Another benefit is an increase in mobile SEO. In recent years, search engines such as Google have included mobile SEO as a factor in a total SEO score. This means that if you don’t have a high-quality mobile site, it could lead to a negative SEO ranking overall.

Making Your Content Fit

Many web users may be surprised how many web developers forget about how important it is to ensure the content on their site fits when on a mobile platform. One of the main reasons a mobile user will leave a site immediately is because the site is specifically tailored for a computer or even a tablet screen. This aspect ratio comes off as clunky and hard to read when trying to use it on a mobile device. It is essential that you create content that can flow both a computer screen and a mobile screen. If not, you are at risk of losing a substantial amount of users and customers for your business or organization.

Growing With Precision

Don't miss out on a substantial consumer base with a dull interface. Contact us today to build a mobile-friendly site that is Powered by Precision!