Blog & Case Studies

How to Come Up With Amazing Blog Ideas

Written by Precision Creative | Feb 15, 2022 8:00:00 PM

For businesses looking for new and exciting ways to promote their goods and services, blogging can be perfect. In addition to allowing you to go in-depth on topics related to your company, when done correctly it can be a boost to your overall search ranking. However, it can be difficult to come up with things to write about, especially if you plan to do blogs on a regular basis. While it is occasionally tricky to create content, finding new topics and ideas is relatively easy. Here are some tips on creating new blog content.

Go To Your Customers

When deciding on content for your blog, a great method is to go straight to your audience. They’re the people you want to read your posts, so it makes sense to ask them what they would like to see information on. This can be done through e-mails, blog comments, social media, or another platform. You can also look at what people are saying about your brand via reviews.

Check With Experts In Your Field

Depending on your industry, there is likely a wide selection of experts you can use for information. From small businesses to large corporations, they are everywhere and are perfect to draw inspiration from. You can ask them for tips, recommendations, or other pieces of advice. This way, you get content and the people you ask can receive promotions such as a mention on social media. You can set up interviews with them as well with transcripts serving as a blog post.

Learn From Competitors

You may think of other businesses in your industry as direct competition. However, there are things you can use from them to enhance your content. You can browse through their website to see what they are focusing on, or search for keywords people are using to find them online via Google Keyword Planner or another tool. Once you determine what to write about, you can make sure it stands out from what others have done on the topic. This could mean explaining detailed instructions on a process, or by sharing experiences that you or your customers have had.

Look To Past Content

If you have a lot of older blogs, there’s a chance that much of the content included in them is outdated. This can provide you with an opportunity to revise these entries with fresh information. You can also redo the information in a different format, such as in an infographic or video. If there are comments left on previous entries, review them as well. These can be a great place to find questions, ideas, or opinions that you can reply to in a separate post.

Go Behind the Scenes

If you have a relatively large business, there may be multiple departments that handle certain tasks. By highlighting these people in a blog entry, you add a sense of authenticity you can display to your customers. In addition, you help your employees feel an increased sense of value. This can also be done in a newsletter format if your company offers them.

Coming up with compelling blog content doesn’t have to be a difficult process. There are numerous ways to create posts and ideas that will attract audiences and have them coming back for more. Knowing how to do so will give you the best chances to reach as many potential customers as possible.