Debunking the Biggest Digital Marketing Myths
When you a running a digital marketing campaign, you want to do everything possible to ensure that it runs correctly. There are numerous methods you can incorporate into your strategy that will help you stand out from the competition. While the majority of these ideas can be beneficial, a lot is tied to myths that were once thought to be true. Fortunately, these are very easy to disprove. Here are some of the biggest digital marketing myths and how they can be debunked.
Websites Don't Need to Be Updated
Once you create a website, you may think that’s all that needs to be done to it. However, this is far from the case. Many search engines use their algorithms to search for new and updated content, which can help boost a site’s search ranking. It’s not just the look and feel of the site, either. You want to keep an eye on the SEO elements as well, such as metatags and descriptions. By consistently updating your site’s SEO with quality content, it will lead to better visibility in searches.
Negative Comments Are Bad
No business wants to receive negative feedback from a customer. It does happen from time to time, but the good news is that it can be an opportunity to turn it into a positive. All you need to do is address the situation with a thoughtful and informative reply. You can provide the person that left the review with your contact information in case you want to speak to them further via phone or email. This helps show transparency and efficiency with your business and can play a major role in brand loyalty.
Content Isn’t Important
Related to the website myth, having a decent site shouldn’t be the only option to having a solid marketing plan. You need to have content that makes people want to come back to your site and do business with you. There are numerous ways to have solid content, including adding a blog to your website, recording videos that highlight your products and services, or repurposing items already on your site into an infographic. The main goal is to have items that are engaging to your audience and will have them interested in what you offer.
Must Be on Every Social Site
Being on social media is a great way to market your business. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to have a presence on every social channel. You should definitely research each network to see what works best for your business, and even set up profiles on them. If you don’t feel like your getting the best return from a site, however, feel free to deactivate your profile and focus on the ones giving you better traffic.
No Need For Mobile
If you don’t have a website that is built for mobile traffic, you are missing out on opportunities when it comes to reaching customers. More and more, people are using devices like smartphones and tablets to search for items before buying. Try to find the easiest way to make purchasing via mobile as straightforward as possible.
As marketing continues to evolve, there will be things that once were true but are now outdated. These myths are less relevant to the marketing plans of today. By learning from past methods and adapting them to new strategies, businesses can have higher success and engagement.